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2020 AQHA mare "GunnaBeATopStar"
Amazing golden palomino mare by Arc GunnaBeABigStar
Dam is by Sail on top Whizard (European futurity Champion)
She is very soft, pretty and good moving, straight and correct legs. Strong feet and legs.
Getting stronger and better every day,
Very cool and sweet and easy to be around a real sweetheart.
Ready for show. Professionally trained for 2 years - Talented fast and willing
Loves people, the forest and other horses.
Easy to transport. Clean vet in 2022 with x rays and still sound
Located in Denmark
150 cm Easy keeper, farrier, vaccinations, teeth, dewormed all up to date !
More info and Video on request
Serious inquiries ONLY !




Smart Lil Ms Fiona søger et godt hjem

2023 Chestnut AQHA hoppe
Efter Spatatino ud af Hollywood M s Melody
Spatatino er Søn of the first million dollar sire i Europa
Spat Olena x Top sail cal Bar
Hans resultater:
2019 NRHA Larson trophy L4 open champion
2018 USA Tryon, WEG world equestrian game team Italy
2017 NRHA european derby L4 open champion score 226
2017 NRHA IRHA derby L4 open champion score 227.5
2017 NRHA IRHA derby leader first 90 round score 222
2017 NRHA IRHA Roma shoot in L4 open champion score 229
2016 NRHA Equita’ Lyon L4 open score 221.5 5th place
2016 NRHA breeding derby Kreuth L4 open score 222.5 3th place
2016 NRHA L4 open champion Cremona score 220
2015 NRHA IRHA maturity L3 open reserve champion intermediate open
2015 NRHA L3 open derby cremona finalist
2014 NRHA L2 futurity open 4 years finalist
NRHA EARNINGS $ 41.043,34
De er video af ham her på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gennarolendiperformancehorses/videos/1515727951813988

Smuk og tillidsfuld hoppe søger et godt hjem
Hun er passet med alt, vacciner, smed, ormekure og er fodret med græs/stråfoder og rigtigt følfoder.
Hun er let trænet miljø og trailer og er vokset op i en god flok.
Hun er rigtig sød og nem at håndtere og har en god stærk bygning og flotte lige ben og pæne hove.
Hun har pas og COR - AQHA papirer.
MH = N/N
Mor er N/N på alle PSSM2 profiler
Pris ved henvendelse
Jyderup – Sjælland
Kontakt for seriøs henvendelse



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